ロングマンビジネス辞典より quote quote 1 / kwəʊtkwoʊt / verb transitive 1 COMMERCE to tell a customer the price you will charge them for a service or product Hotels often quote a special rate for groups who use the hotel on a regular basis 2 FINANCE to give the price of a share or currency be quoted at The company's shares were quoted at $, down 125 centsQuotation 意味, 定義, quotation は何か 1 a phrase or short piece of writing taken from a longer work of literature, poetry, etc or what もっと見るUnquoteとは。意味や和訳。動自引用を終わる;〔間投詞的に〕引用終わりここまで,「かっことじ」( 口頭で quote と相関的に用いて引用文が終わったことを示す;⇒quote) 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。
Quotation Quote とestimateの違いについて 英文法 English Pal
Quote 意味